
Discover our premium features for 30 days, absolutely free
Perfect for freelancers who want to collaborate with their clients
Product Teams
Perfect for teams building a SaaS product or any type of a website
5.99 4.79
Digital Agencies
Perfect for agencies having multiple teams working on multiple projects
7.99 6.39
Feedback on live websites (beta)
Feedback on design files
Whiteboard for brainstorming (beta)
Share a canvas with team mates
Label a canvas for better searching
Chrome extension for taking screenshots 100 screenshots 1000 screenshots 5000 screenshots
Storage limit 2 GB 10 GB 50 GB
Total voice clips 50 250/pm 500/pm
Total video comments 0 50/pm 150/pm
Total screen recordings 0 60/pm 180/pm
Total number of canvases 50 Unlimited Unlimited
Total public canvas viewers Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Share a canvas with public users
Jira integration
Trello integration
Slack App
Ability to add comments on videos
Comments on videos from youtube, facebook, vimeo, wistia, vidyard and more
Product Teams
Digital Agencies
Discover our premium features for 30 days, absolutely free
Feedback on live websites (beta)
Feedback on design files
Whiteboard for brainstorming (beta)
Share a canvas with team mates
Label a canvas for better searching
Chrome extension for taking screenshots 100 screenshots
Storage limit 2 GB
Total voice clips 50
Total video comments 0
Total screen recordings 0
Total number of canvases 50
Total public canvas viewers Unlimited
Share a canvas with public users
Jira integration
Trello integration
Slack app
Ability to add comments on videos
Comments on videos from youtube, facebook, vimeo, wistia, vidyard and more
Product Teams
Discover our premium features for 30 days, absolutely free
Feedback on live websites (beta)
Feedback on design files
Whiteboard for brainstorming (beta)
Share a canvas with team mates
Label a canvas for better searching
Chrome extension for taking screenshots 1000 screenshots
Storage limit 10 GB
Total voice clips 250/pm
Total video comments 50/pm
Total screen recordings 60/pm
Total number of canvases Unlimited
Total public canvas viewers Unlimited
Share a canvas with public users
Jira integration
Trello integration
Slack app
Ability to add comments on videos
Comments on videos from youtube, facebook, vimeo, wistia, vidyard and more
Digital Agencies
Discover our premium features for 30 days, absolutely free
Feedback on live websites (beta)
Feedback on design files
Whiteboard for brainstorming (beta)
Share a canvas with team mates
Label a canvas for better searching
Chrome extension for taking screenshots 5000 screenshots
Storage limit 50 GB
Total voice clips 500/pm
Total video comments 150/pm
Total screen recordings 180/pm
Total number of canvases Unlimited
Total public canvas viewers Unlimited
Share a canvas with public users
Jira integration
Trello integration
Slack app
Ability to add comments on videos
Comments on videos from youtube, facebook, vimeo, wistia, vidyard and more

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