No more boring static screenshots!

You can now provide way more information on a screenshot than just annotations besides opening a chat about it!

~2.5 minutes

Copy and Paste Screenshots

In Mac OS by the shortcut ctrl+shift+cmd+4

Take a screenshot by copying it into the clipboard for example in MacOS:

  • Press ctrl+shift+cmd+4 and crop an area of your screen
  • Open the zooc chrome extension
  • Paste by pressing cmd+v on your keyboard

Full Page Screenshots

You can take a screenshot from the entire height of a website

Often you need to take the screenshot of the entire page to leave some feedback not only the visible part. Follow these tesp to do so:

  • Open any page you would like to provide feedback on
  • Open zooc chrome extension and click on Full Page Capture button
  • Let the capturing process finish
  • Open the chrome extension again andclick on the Create Canvas button while hovering mouse on the first screenshot from the left

Selected Area Screenshots

Take screenshot of a specific area of the page

You can take screenshot of a specific area of the current tab by following these steps:

  • Go to the page you would like to take screenshot from
  • Open the zooc chrome extension
  • Click on Selected Area button
  • Hold the left click on mouse and drag the area you would like the screenshot from
  • Provide a description you can remember and click on Create Canvas

Paste Screenshots on the Dashboard

It is the most handy feature

You can copy a screensot or an image into your clipboard and paste it on the zooc dashboard by following these steps:

  • Copy an image from any website by just right clicking and copying on the image
  • Alternatively you can take a screenshot from anywhere for example by pressing ctrl+shift+cmd+4 on Mac OS
  • Open the zooc dashboard
  • Paste by pressing cmd+v on your keyboard

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