Take a screenshot by copying it into the clipboard for example in MacOS:
- Press ctrl+shift+cmd+4 and crop an area of your screen
- Open the zooc chrome extension
- Paste by pressing cmd+v on your keyboard
Copy and Paste Screenshots
In Mac OS by the shortcut ctrl+shift+cmd+4
Take a screenshot by copying it into the clipboard for example in MacOS:
Full Page Screenshots
You can take a screenshot from the entire height of a website
Often you need to take the screenshot of the entire page to leave some feedback not only the visible part. Follow these tesp to do so:
Selected Area Screenshots
Take screenshot of a specific area of the page
You can take screenshot of a specific area of the current tab by following these steps:
Paste Screenshots on the Dashboard
It is the most handy feature
You can copy a screensot or an image into your clipboard and paste it on the zooc dashboard by following these steps: